818 Range Road, Portland
Sold for $650,000
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FINAL BID $650,000

This attractive 25 acre lifestyle property features a four bedroom house, spectacular views over the surrounding countryside and is well positioned just 25km from Lithgow and an easy two and a half hour drive from the Sydney CBD

-25 open gently undulating acres with beautiful views to the east, and established windbreaks offering protection from south-westerly winds
-A four bedroom two storey house, currently habitable but in need of some repair
-Excellent water, with two large poly rainwater tanks and a bore
-Other features include two good sheds, fruit trees and three dams

This beautifully positioned small farm can be your dream weekender, or forever home in the country. Renovate, or knock down and re-build, and just enjoy this beautiful countryside.
Auction Saturday 18th November at 11am on site

To arrange your inspection contact Peter Druitt on 0428 634 376

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