122 Rissler Road, Gulgong
122 Rissler Road is a 259 acre hobby farm just 21km north of Gulgong with a large shed including an accommodation area

-Land level to gently undulating, principally cleared with a tree-lined gully running north-south.
-Large, modern steel framed shed 18m x 11m with concrete floor and double roller door
-8m x 11m section of the shed lined and with ceiling subdivided into three rooms for accommodation, not yet fitted out
-11m x 11m concrete covered deck out the front of the shed, plus a 2.9 m shipping container.
-Property is all fenced, in two paddocks with a dam and an old set of steel sheep-yards.
-Just 40km north of Mudgee, and an easy 25km to the coalfields

To arrange your inspection call Peter Druitt on 0428 634 376, or email peter.druitt@fnmudgee.com.au

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